
Nick Cunha asked 9 years ago

I am shipping items over for my relocation to BVI and was just wondering if I have to pay duty on it all? All item are pre used. How is worth calculated when it is all pre owned?

Lauren Charley replied 9 years ago

Good morning Sarah,

Please refer to our “Shipping” section on for further clarification on shipping & duty charges:

Aeropost is a reliable service which ships goods to the BVI from a US mailing address in Miami which they will set up for you so you can send parcels and online purchases there.
You can calculate estimates on shipping charges using their calculator:

Do you have to pay any duty on pre-used items? Yes. Unless you use the one time exemption when relocating.

If you’re moving to the BVI you get an exemption on duty for the first $1250 per person of personal effects and household goods.

The calculator above would work assuming you’re not applying this exemption. But you can use it to see how much you would save with the broker.

Lazarus isa good broker for this service to apply the exemption. Sometimes, by the time you pay the broker, the difference is not so much. They would probably charge around $100 for this type of clearance depending on how many different categories of items there are.

The most reliable way to send things here is not through the regular post directly to the BVI. Choose either FedEx, or a service which will mail to the USA and then send on to the BVI for you like Aeropost (on Tortola it is also called Tortola Express)