Advice or direction needed please

AskCategory: QuestionsAdvice or direction needed please
Nadia Deane-Pullen asked 5 years ago

Hi, I’m a pensioner and my husband is recently deceased. My kids are living in various countries and I do not wish to stay alone in South Africa. I would like to go to my daughter in the BVI even if it’s 9 months out of the year and then I will go to my other daughter for three months. How do I go about getting permission to do this or what do I do. I would like to get as much knowledge on this as possible so I can assist my kids in getting me to them as emotionally and for safety I can’t stay here alone anymore. 

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1 Answers
Nick (20 comments) answered 5 years ago

You would need to make such a request with the BVI Immigration Office. In order to establish residency in the BVI as a foreigner you’ll need proof that you are financially capable of living without employment. You would not be allowed to seek employment in the BVI once you arrive.
You also would need a visa, if you’re South African.