Public Asked to Watch for Misused Govt Vehicles

By: Nick Cunha | Last Updated: January 6, 2017

Reducing public expenditure through an increased level of accountability is of crucial importance to the Ministry of Finance.


Reducing public expenditure through an increased level of accountability is of crucial importance to the Ministry of Finance.

As such, the Ministry is asking the public to report any misuse of Government-owned vehicles. – Reducing public expenditure through an increased level of accountability is of crucial importance to the Ministry of Finance.

Deputy Financial Secretary Mr. Wendell Gaskin told the Department of Information and Public Relations, “In seeking the public’s assistance on this matter, our goal is to ultimately reduce public expenditure and effectively manage resources.”
The Ministry is asking the public report unauthorised drivers and passengers (other than public officers) of all Government-owned vehicles; driving in excess of the speed limit and/ or in a reckless manner; vehicles parked with engine and air conditioner running; vehicles parked in restricted areas; and/or transporting of unauthorised goods, including animals.
Persons are asked to contact the Ministry of Finance at 468-3701 extension 2220 with their reports which should include the date, time and location the misuse is observed, the vehicle’s licence plate number, the department to which the vehicle belongs and the name of the driver, if known.

The Ministry is encouraging the public to fully embrace this year’s theme for the Budget Address, ‘Austerity today, secures economic recovery tomorrow’, which speaks to Government’s mandate to promote economic development.
Government’s call on the public is in line with the Cabinet approved Cost-Cutting Measures introduced in June 2010; one of which states that no Government-owned vehicles will be allowed to be used in private capacities.

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