BVI Salary Taxes Calculator

By: Nick Cunha | Last Updated: April 11, 2018

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All personal information is kept private. The collected data will be used to approximate average salary by industry for work permit holders.

The gross amount of what you are paid, after the direct employer taxes and before you've paid taxes)

Annual Salary Overview

Your income after all fees and taxes are subtracted.


This is the total cost of the employer. It includes the salary and all taxes.


Paid by you and your employer to the Accountant General


A percentage you receive from your employers expenses (rest are taxes).




The yearly cost of work permit.


The payroll tax paid by employer (Class 2 employee).


The social security tax, paid by the employer.


The National Health Insurance tax, paid by the employer.


Total amount of taxes paid by the employer.



The payroll tax paid by you.


The social security tax, paid by you (Class 2 employee).


The National Health Insurance tax, paid by you.


Total amount of taxes paid by the employee.

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